Hi, I’m Deepesh, a.k.a. Krove, a backend web developer with a DevOps mindset, specializing in .NET and related technologies. Other technical interests of mine include desktop development, Information Security, and systems stuff. I like to focus on code quality and maintainability, as over a decade of programming experience has taught me to be kind to future code readers. I like to make the world a better place, one free system at a time. You can get to know me more on my About page. (Aside: click/tap on the rolling text above to toggle it.)


If something catches my interest or I feel like sharing something, I write about it in my blog. See more on the Blogs page.


Some of my personal projects. Production-ready, developed and maintained by me. Find others in the Apps index.

Contact Me

You can get in touch with me on various social media platforms, all links in the footer. None of those accounts are dormant so I’ll respond reasonably soon (unless I’m sleeping :) ).

Alternatively, if you’re an employer looking to hire talent, and think I might be a good fit, drop me a message! I’ll be happy to have a chat.